Friday, 8 April 2016

Question 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

My music magazine is called Platinum which has a genre of mostly chart and pop music. My magazine is aimed at teenagers aged 15-25 who are most likely to be interested in this genre as it is easy to access, such as being on the radio and TV often but also, it is very popular among young people. The magazine is aimed at both males and females however I think it would attract more of the female market due to the colours used and the articles inside. My target market are most likely to be in full time education, either at school, sixth form/college or university. This means that they may not have a large amount of disposable income, hence why my magazine is reasonably priced at £2.50 for a monthly magazine. My target market may have a part time job in a retail environment or a restaurant therefore they will have some income each month in order to be able to afford to buy my magazine. Due to some of my market being at uni, they may be living in halls or away from home and they will be going through exams, work and socializing. Socializing may be done through the use of music as this is popular hobby and topic for young people and often a talking point as they will compare which songs they are currently into. Those that live at home may live in a affluent area as they have been able to secure a place at uni or sixth form. This means they may live in a 3/4 bedroom house in a good area. They may be from a range of different backgrounds and cultures, however I would say that my target audience would be people who have grown up in England because of the style of music in my magazine.

My target audience may be into fashion and they will take a pride in their appearance. They may wear jeans and converse or boots. they will shop in places such as River Island, H&M, New Look etc. These are high street shops that sell clothes at reasonable prices therefore my target market will be able to afford them. They will value things such as going out with family and friends to restaurants, cinema, shopping etc. This is because they will enjoy spending time with the people that are around them. They may not have any 'real' responsibilities in life such as children, therefore this gives my target audience a lot of freedom in what the do and how they spend their money. They may spend their money on clothes, eating out, restaurants, music, games and other forms of entertainment. This shows that they would spend their money on other types of media such as TV so they may be more likely to purchase a music magazine if this is the case.


My ideal reader may own a small car such as a mini or fiat etc. This means that they will be able to listen to music in their car on radio stations such as Capital or Kiss. This will increase their awareness to new songs that are coming into the market as stations like these often play chart music. They are likely to have an iPhone in which they can listen to iTunes and download music very easily onto their phone. They might also use apps such as Spotify where they can download music.

My target audience would be students therefore on the JICNAR scale they are towards the bottom in band D or E. However, if students are still living at home then their parents may be in band ABC1, categorized as middle class, which are the highest categories you can be in. This means that my secondary user of homeowners and parents would be in a completely different band to my actual target market.

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